Boyfriend's camera sucks, but I find it difficult to replace something that still works. I have never bought a camera - I guess I've never seen the necessity. I am not particularly photogenic (instead tend to adopt an extra chin) and never feel the urge to pick up a camera and start snapping.
On a recent trip to my parent's arty-farty house in Central Victoria, I learnt exactly how bad I am at taking photos - sitting on the sun deck watching my parent's friends play fiddle and sing blue grass I became inspired to capture the moment- which I didn't do at all. It's really hard to take a good photo when you don't have the patience to learn.
Anyway the point of these ramblings is that I've eaten out alot and been in the kitchen almost constantly (i havent sewn anything though) and have quite a few posts that I need to write - gingerboy, Cafe Vue Cocktail Night, Madame Brussels, Campari House.... Easter weekend feasting.... I just need some good photos to accompany my posts - apart from taking scrutiny away from my rusty writing skills, it's pretty rare to see a food post without photos of the reviewed meals so it'd look odd.
I think my biggest problem is that I have no patience - I get so excited by food that I've already half finished by the time I've remembered to take a shitty iphone shot. And really does anyone actually wanna see my half-enjoyed food?
Probably another reason I haven't been posting is that I've become a little embarrassed by my little lonesome food/craft blog - so impressed by others that I've felt a bit disheartened. Then I remembered that I am actually doing this blog for myself and for my friends and family - so they can find all my recipes really easily. So suck it self I love cooking and I won't let your paranoia and uncertainty get in the way!

Hey Jess, I've been following your blog and just wanted to encourage you to keep blogging about your crafts/sewing and your cooking. I am especially impressed by your cooking! Anyway, I just read your most recent post and wanted to let you know, don't be embarassed! I enjoy your blog!
Thanks Annabelle - it's nice to know someone is reading. Will see you sunday to see what you've been up to!