I just had to upload some pictures of my garden - those who've seen me lately have witnessed my gardening fanaticism with updated facebook photos and all!
I say sorta food related because we've planted some herbs as a border to the cottage garden. Although I don't have a photo of the garden before I started, it was initially completely bare. The whole process of planting has taken about a week of research and execution.
I've tried to complimentary plant - herbs help keep away pests in general, as do the maragolds. The chives have been planted around the miniature rose bushes to keep aphids away. Ah clever... I've also been making concentrated black coffee to stray on and around the plants as apparently slugs hate it - not really sure how this is working. I've used two types of fertiliser - the little balls for long-term effectiveness and a seaweed fertiliser for immediate penetration. Eggshells are scattered to release nutrients into the garden, over the mulch - not sure but it looks effective!
Burke's Backyard website link
Gardening Australia website link
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