I'm so slack I only just remembered that my oldest friend Emily e-mailed me her very own pizza recipe ages ago to post to cookbook. It sure looks like a winner! I might have to try it out next time I'm in the mood (or allow myself to indulge) for pizza.
(Photo: Em's delicious birthday cake made by the beautiful berni)
My Pizza
This is such a great base for a Pizza, I change the topping all the time depending on how much money I have or what I feel like. The great thing about home-made Pizza’s like this, is that they’re so much more filling that bought Pizzas. I always have so much left over for Days to come.
This Recipe makes approximately two Large Pizzas. I often however choose to make mini Pizzas, about 8 centimetre in diameter. That way every Pizza can be slightly different if you want. The best thing is that you can make them any size, from 50 cent mini Pizzas to Huge big Monster Pizzas. So I suppose the point I’m making is DO WHAT EVER YOU WANT!!!!
The Base
2 cups Flour
Splash Olive oil
7g yeast (that’s one of those pre-portioned packets)
1 Cup luke warm water
A bit of sugar
(This will make two large Pizza’s, so cut in these proportions half or Double etc to suit or needs)
Obvious but Important: Choose a really Large bowl, as your dough will need to double in size.
In your Large bowl mix Flour, salt and sugar, then without mixing add Oil, yeast, water. Then Blend.
Some yeast packets suggest that you mix the yeast and water separately. You can if you want, but I never do and it works fine. Once it is all blended STOP Stirring! You don’t want to overwork it.
Cover the bowl with a tea towel or loose cling-wrap. Sit it somewhere warm but NOT HOT. You don’t want it to be in direct heat, or it’ll start cooking and will go hard. I suggest on the front porch in the sun-shine, next to the fire, in or on your car if it’s a sunny day, or a couple-few metres away from the heater.
Let it double in size- NO MORE. It will take about an hour... Don’t get excited by the magic, or it becomes too difficult to manage.
On a floured bench top, dump out the dough and get kneading! (If you’re feeling really adventurous, add chilli flakes or dried herbs into the dough when you first start kneading to make a flavoured base.) When you’re happy with it- it won’t take long, press it into shape, or use a Rolling pin! The dough should be rolled out to about 0.5-1 centimetre, but it’s really up to you.
When I make Large Pizzas sometimes I make the middle of the pizza base a bit thin, just to help it cook through at the same pace as the outside. There’s nothing worse than burnt crusts and doughy centres!!!
Any left over dough? Twist or roll it into dinner rolls and cook along side the pizza!
Grease or flour your trays! I find it’s best to put the topping on when it’s on the tray.
ChOoSe YouR tOpPInG
I use tomato paste, or sometimes actual pasta sauce as a base, because it has extra flavour in built! Great when you’re poor!
I also often mix tapenade, garlic and/or basil paste into the sauce.
The rest is up to you, I suggest less-is-more, otherwise the topping slides off. Some of my favourite toppings are: Smoked Chicken breast (from the Deli at most Supermarkets), Salami, Canned flavoured tuna, last nights bolognaise sauce, mushrooms, fresh vegies (often it’s best to cut them thinly and blanch or lightly boil them first), canned vegies, spinach, home marinated chicken, olives, semi-sundried tomatoes, red onion, fresh Basil oregano, Thyme, chilli flakes and Lamb.
Cheese: There are some pre-grated Pizza cheeses out there. But I’m often a little cautious as whenever I buy a packet I seem to get it home and find it’s mouldy!!! A blend of Tasty and Mozzarella is best, but the cheapest Tasty will do just fine. Also try fetta, bococinni or if it’s your fancy, a vegan based cheese.
I almost always sprinkle on dried, mixed herbs to finish.
When I feel bold, sometimes I fold them over and make Calzone! Use a fork to press the edges together and use an egg (half egg, half milk) wash to make it golden. (Make sure there is lots of filling as it settles in cooking).
Cook at about 200 degrees Centigrade, for about 15 minutes, but really, keep your eye out. Smaller, thinner Pizza’s with very little topping will take less; Big, Thick Pizzas with heaps of yummy stuff will take longer.
You can use this same Pizza base to make awesome Pasties. Dice and boil your favourite Vegies. Add salt and Pepper to taste and generously heap it into your pre-rolled out bases. Finish them like the suggestion for Calzone.
I hope you enjoy xoxo
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